About MSD
Student Life
State of Michigan law established a School for the Deaf and Blind.
November, Flint won over Romeo and Kalamazoo (for a location for the school)..
December, First Principal, Charles Palmer, never took office.
Epaphroditus Ranson, Governor of Michigan.
Reverend Barnabas M. Fay hired. First rented a building on the corner of 8th and Church.
February 6th First deaf student, James Bradley to enter the school at the age of 26. The school opened its doors to deaf and blind. Mary Hoff was the first blind student. Total students 12.
School building construction began.
William M. Berg, first deaf teacher hired and taught until 1876. Students enrolled: 70.
Students enrolled: 72. First permanent building to be erected on campus, building later named Clarke Hall.
Students enrolled: 111.
Purchased Lot 70 in Glenwood Cemetery for burial of orphans attending school.
Name of school was changed from "Asylum" to "Institution." Brick workshop/Vocational building erected.
Main school building in front of (Clarke Hall) completed after the Civil War.
Printing Shop was added to the school.
First MICHIGAN MIRROR (School publication).
Enrollment surpasses 200 students.
Separate school for the blind established and located in Lansing.
Superintendent's residence constructed, students of cabinet shop decorated interior including many pieces of ornate furniture.
New shop building started - Turner Hall, Honor Cottage later became a Hospital and Orchard Cottage used by staff members.
Ground broken and Brown Hall erected.
Classes open in Brown Hall.
Main building destroyed by fire and the construction of the new building (Fay Hall) started in 1913 and completed in 1914 (same location).
Stewart Gym constructed.
Gilbert Hall constructed.
Enrollment surpasses 500 students.
Service Building built (1992 building renamed to Thelma Heck).
Stevens Hall constructed.
Heating Plant constructed.
New School Building built (1992 renamed to Fay Academy).
New Health Center Built (1992 renamed to Irene Hughes).
Enrollment of over 400 students.
First Deaf Superintendent Dr. Brian D. McCartney is hired.
Sold Fay Hall, Stewart Gym and 6 acres to Valley School.
Blind students moved back to Flint campus.
Started Construction on New Blind Dormitory on Flint Campus.
Dr. Brian D. McCartney passes away of acute leukemia.
Beth Steenwyk becomes Dept Director of Spec Ed and begins to oversee MSDB.
MSD Celebrates 150 years-Time capsule planted.
Fay Hall, Stewart Gym, etc. revert back to the State of Michigan.
MSD has an enrollment of 150 students.
CAC places Video Phones all across campus.
David Sanderson hired as State Administrative Manager for MSD.
Stewart Gym torn down.
MSD campus sold to a developer. A new school built for MSD to lease from the developer.
David Sanderson retired - position currently vacant.
Ground Breaking Ceremony October 13, 2011.
Thelma Heck building (formerly service building) torn down.
2012-2013 School year starts in the new building.
Tear down of Fay Academy begins.
Football team wins for the first game since 1978.
MSD hosts Academic Bowl.
MSD hosts CSSD Basketball and Cheerleading Tournament.
Middle school students won regionals for Battle of the Books.